Saturday, 24 November 2012

League of Legends Ladder Climb: Week 1 Summary

Week 1 of my League of Legends Ladder Climb is complete! I've summarized some of the interesting data from this past week and will include it all in this post.

ELO Progression

This week I played a total of 34 games. Below is a graph showing my progress in attempting to gain ELO.

I started at an ELO of 1178, making it to 1327 by the end of my week. In total I gained 149 ELO in 7 days. I won 21 of my 34 games played, equaling a win ratio of 61.76%.

Now let's look at the champions I used for this week. Below is a table including a summary of all champions I used, and the wins and losses I had for each one.

In graph form:

My strongest champion of the week was clearly Anivia. I didn't lose once (both in lane and in games). Second strongest would have to be my support role as Janna (surprisingly), and then with decent showings from Singed and Amumu (along with the other champions I won 1 game with).

Tips of the Week

Throughout the week I posted random bits of advice that I will summarize here.

  • Stay positive in games, no matter what the situation. You have a better chance of winning if everyone on your team cooperates and are friendly with one another (as shown by the stat by Riot in the loading screen of games). 
  • Similar to the first time, keep a level head no matter what the score. Teams will throw games, more often in the lower ELO brackets. Even if you are down 15 kills by the 20 minute mark, with smart play you may be able to get back into the game. Don't surrender!
  • Don't play with tilt. For those who are unfamiliar with the word tilt, it is a term used in poker to describe a player who changes their playing style based on the previous hands in the game. For League of Legends, it means that you are angry or upset for losing your last game or two, and you continue to play. You shouldn't do this! Take a break. Whether you think so or not, you will play much better if you haven't previously lost a game or two before. 
  • Focus on learning a few champions for each role. You have a better chance at increasing your ELO if you stick with a few champions and learn them extremely well. 
  • The mute button is there for a reason. Use it! If someone is raging or negative, it's better to mute the person than to read the what they are writing. If you continue to listen to that person, it drags down the morale of yourself and your team. 
  • If you are on a losing streak of 2 games, STOP (no matter what). Take a break and come back later. It will help (again because of playing with tilt).

Overall, Week 1 was of great success! If anyone wants to see more/different data, let me know in the comments! Onto Week 2.

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