Wednesday, 21 November 2012

LoL Ladder Climb: Day 5

Game 1


Game Summary

Frustrating game. I got Shen in champ select against Yorick. We did fine in early levels, however no one knew how to deal with a Yi. There was minimal warding done by anyone, and the team facechecked bushes way too much. My ult was mostly used to save people, therefore I couldn't split push at all since I was constantly trying to save people getting caught out. Yi backdoored and again no one knew how to deal with him (and everyone tried to chase when we won a team fight instead of protecting inhibs/nexus towers) so we lost them and they pushed to win.


I kept within 5 of Yorick's CS, even into mid game when he was able to harass me constantly. I had some nice early ults, securing some kills for bot lane. I'm not sure what else I could have done. I wasn't able to split push at all due to the team constantly getting caught out mid/late game, so I did what I could.


1327 (-17)

Other Notes

Talon liked to say GG a lot, putting a negative manner on the team. He should really try to stay positive in the future.

Game 2


Game Summary

Another frustrating game. It's hard when you try to do everything you can to win, but your team just doesn't/can't perform :(. We were invaded at red so Shaco didn't have a red buff to start (early ganks unsuccessful). Darius couldn't match Nasus top and died to him and let him farm 40 CS above him by 10 mins. We traded bot even with constant Lee ganks since top and mid were both dying. Then everyone wanted to keep going in jungle and kept getting caught out by their ward placement. Shaco just started to solo lanes while they pushed and then got caught out at baron later on. Surrender vote was called :/


I did everything I could to try and win (like always). I got caught out lvl 1 and chose to die by tower, but after that I successfully defended vs. ganks, tried to give helpful information to the team (such as make sure to stop that Nasus from free farming when Darius was just roaming wherever and same with Shaco). Overall though there was nothing I could do.


1309 (-18)

Other Notes

My top elo was too good to be true. I'm taking a break atm and coming back to this after supper. I can't play with tilt, I need to gain that elo back tonight.

Game 3


Game Summary

Alrighty I'm back after a much needed break. Champion select was normal, with all the positions being filled without arguments. I took Olaf top against a Poppy as my true damage E would be effective versus her as she gains bonus armour (and attack dmg). I outcsed her and bullied her in lane, while other lanes traded kills. I grabbed a kill on her but then died to a Kha gank at about 15 - 20 minutes in. We had some good team fights and took all their inhibs and did baron, then pressed for the win.


I was able to bully Poppy in lane and out CSed her. Also I did a bit of roaming once I took the outer turret top down, and picked up some assists and dragon bot. I was stupid at times though. There were situations where I should have backed off but I stayed in and died. Next time I'll watch out for this.


1324 (+15)

Other Notes

You shouldn't type stupid stuff in all chat after you get a kill or ace the team. You're all at the same elo. You aren't necessarily better than the people you are beating just because you are winning that particular game. Show some respect!

Game 4


Game Summary

I picked Kennen into Olaf top, it turned out that it was Vlad. I got wrecked. Our team didn't engage well in team fights, and blew our lead.


All negative for me, terrible game. I made too many mistakes, also couldn't handle Vlad and got outfarmed. QQ.


1308 (-16)

Other Notes

None. I had an awful game :S

Game 5


Game Summary

My team seemed eager in champion select, but quickly fell apart. Darius raged at others and every lane lost hard. The jungle tried to 1v2. Eventually I fell a few times due to everyone else's lane being pushed and them coming mid. I should have backed off. Anyway it was a 20 minute surrender.


I held my lane against Teemo with no ganks. I kept up with his farm until the 10 minute mark when the other lanes collapsed (his early game dmg + range hurt still). Negatives were that we lost. I tried but it was ~15 / 1 for them by 10 minutes in. Ouch.


1289 (-19)

Other Notes

There are a lot of frustrating games today/tonight that I've been a part of. I should stop here but I'm doing 1 more to see if I can at least end the night above 1300.

Game 6


Game Summary

I was tired and shouldn't have played, when you lose 1 you lose many. I broke my own rule and I paid for it. I had a bad team, from a 0/5 Malphite top to a Gragas who liked to go balls deep 1v3 etc. Our team couldn't initiate even with our Malphite and Fiddle. I held my own and won bot, but I had no one to protect me from the fed Darius who was able to run through our entire team. They blamed me for not being able to kite but it was more that no one stuck around to peel. 


Won my lane, got fed and out CSed Sivir. I got caught by Darius a few times though, although it's tough to avoid him in team fights when he runs through our whole team to kill me.


1272 (-17)

Other Notes

Tip: If you lose 2 games in a row, stop playing. NO EXCEPTIONS. The proof is right here. I will be implementing this rule and sticking to it from now on.

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