It's already been 7 days since I started the League of Legends Ladder Climb (7 days of gaming, I think it's been a bit more than a week). So what I'm thinking of doing is recapping the last week of my ladder climb, and have a summary of what's happened, my weekly tips and maybe a graph showing my progress. I'll work on that and get it released on the weekend :) But for now, more games!
Game 1
Game Summary
This game started off normally, with no invades by either side. I picked Cho as I thought I would be laning against a Malphite, but it turned out he was jungle. Fortunately Olaf picked into me. My sustain worked wonders and I matched his farm while killing him a few times in lane. Bot and mid struggled early game, but with a few ganks by WW bot came out ahead. Anivia faced a tough match against Kat, but managed not to die in lane. The other team had a gold advantage mid game, and some of our team kept getting caught out do to facechecks, however with some mistakes on the other side we managed to catch 1 out as they baroned and they had to abandon the attempt. We continued to press and after few more team fights, we took the win.
I beat Olaf in lane through kills and matching his farm. In teamfights I was always where I needed to be. I either initiated or stopped Kat/Malph from getting to our carries, while zoning Sivir at the right times. This allowed my team to pick off theirs one at a time. I got caught out at turret once. They sent 4 top to dive me and I didn't have a ward to see it in time.
1324 (+19)
Other Notes
It's unfortunate that our team bickered constantly early and mid game as some of the players made mistakes. I kept saying it's fine and just to relax. Eventually they let up after we started coming back and then gaining the lead.
Game 2
Game Summary
I won my lane versus Fiddle, out CSed him. I landed some good stuns and walls as well. I got caught by Fiddle's ult once though.
1343 (+19)
Other Notes
Not much, unfortunately about the Vayne with internet troubles though. I still think we would have pulled off a 5v5 win.
Game 3
Game Summary
Well for every good game there is a bad one. We had a troll heim support lock in and proceed to AFK at towers to fix them instead of helping me in bot lane. We had 2 disconnects within 5 mins (Noc and Vlad). So at points it was a 3 v 5 / 2 v 5. Frustrating, but I guess that's what I get for them having an AFK last game!
No positives, just frustration lol.
1324 (-19)
Other Notes
I had an idea earlier this week. Along with my weekly updates, I'm starting a wall of shame and a wall of fame for all my encounters with players in League who deserve to be recognized (whether it be for good or bad!).
Game 4
Game Summary
Hey another Heim support pick! Maybe I should have backed out. His name said it all. Heim lost us first blood roaming in their jungle alone. It fell apart from there. Bot and mid lost hard. I tried top but still fell a few kills when Lee camped my lane. Mao, Heim and Gragas kept facechecking bushes and fighting 1v3s. We lost pretty badly unfortunately.
Did what I could. Hooray! That's positive :D The negatives are that I was camped and dove upon at tower multiple times :( I maybe should have let it go earlier.
1309 (-15)
Other Notes
This ELO is really rough. You get a lot of the trolls and ragers, along with those who haven't played many/any ranked. It's a true struggle to get through it.
Game 5
Game Summary
I had a really strong mid and late game. I caught people out, dove and landed my E on multiple people multiple times. Unfortunately I had 0 presence early game, but fortunately we all worked through that.
1327 (+18)
Other Notes
That's it for now! I'll start to work on my weekly recap this weekend. Thanks for joining me, and stick around for the next week's progress starting soon!
Game Summary
I took Diana jungling for the first time in my ranked career. We had a somewhat strange team comp, but at this elo it doesn't totally matter. We get into game, however Nidalee is afk. I don't get any help on wolves, and just a 1 hit leash on blue. I fall behind in jungle unfortunately. Nidalee eventually makes it top after a few mins and instantly dies to their Jax. He starts to snowball and I try to gank but it doesn't work. I turn my attention to bot lane. Zed and Trist are getting fed to their repsective lane matches. I join in and reap my rewards of 4 assists in under 30 seconds. We take a dragon, and start to fight for objectives. At times our team just kept farming in lane, but after awhile we had a good team fight and took baron. We finally finished the game (probably 10 minutes later than we should have). A win nonetheless!
I had a really strong mid and late game. I caught people out, dove and landed my E on multiple people multiple times. Unfortunately I had 0 presence early game, but fortunately we all worked through that.
1327 (+18)
Other Notes
That's it for now! I'll start to work on my weekly recap this weekend. Thanks for joining me, and stick around for the next week's progress starting soon!
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