Thursday, 20 December 2012

LoL Ladder Climb: Day 17

Game 1


Game Summary

I went into jungle for the first time in awhile as Skarner. I did decently, ganking where I could, but bot and mid were too cocky with the ganks and died. Panth destroyed top, and I focused on leveling until we could team fight mid game. We destroyed, cleaned up and it was a 20 min surrender.


Ganked where I could, didn't feed any lanes. I should have tried to have more presence bot early game as they were feeding pretty hard.


1394 (+14)

Other Notes

Onwards! To gold this winter break!

Game 2


Game Summary

Our fifth pick said ADC or feed, went ADC and fed anyway. Our Sona and hit fed bot ~10 kills by 15 mins in. Our Rengar went 0/3 in 8 mins, and our Lee didn't gank unless it was a 1v3 in their favour. I called Eve roaming every time she left lane and where she was going, but the lanes didn't listen so she was fed. I still beat her mid, but the team surrendered at 20.


I outcsed her in lane and took a kill on her without ganks (even under pressure by Xin). I called all mia's and exactly where Eve was going every time.


1381 (-13)

Other Notes

The whole team was verbally abusive and said I was bad when I was the only one keeping them in the game and doing my role properly :( Frustrating! There goes my Aniv win % grrrr.

Game 3


Game Summary

Awful team, all lanes feed, Shaco trolls. 4v5 with players that feed 0/5 in lane isn't fun.


Won my lane easily, out CSed like a boss.


1369 (-12)

Other Notes

Shaco trolled and AFKed, bot and top both feed hard.

Game 4


Game Summary

Picked our team, went in and found our Leona was trolling. She roamed, never was with Vayne bot, stole jungle and tried to fight 1v2s etc. in their jungle. I kept trying to carry, and Mu did well. We won a 4v5 pretty much.


I destroy Diana in lane (kills and out CS). I carry the 4v5 with Amu.


1381 (+12)

Other Notes

Trolls out to get me today! Ughh.

Game 5


Game Summary

I went Nidalee vs. Anivia mid. Garen destroyed top after a few ganks by Xin. Bot was ok but Sona was struggling at times. We dominated early but the team started to throw as they really liked diving at stupid times. Garen threatened to troll (I hate people that do that), but I told everyone to calm down. We took an easy team fight and went on to win the game.


I kept up with Anivia in lane. However I was missing spears and was stupid early game which caused me to die in lane.


1393 (+12)

Other Notes

Don't threaten to troll if things aren't going your way!

Game 6


Game Summary

Destroyed bot lane with Lux, even though Lux took ignite so I had to take exhaust. We were up about 10 kills, but the team throws due to bad calls by our verbally abusive jungle Amumu wanting to do dragon with 3 when we're all at 1/3 health and with the other team heading there. Also bad call on doing baron at a ridiculously stupid time caused the loss.


I destroyed in lane. I tried to make the calls that would win us the game but people refused to listen. Such is life at low elo.


1379 (-14)

Other Notes

Abusive teams are abusive lol. Mute and move on!

Monday, 17 December 2012

LoL Ladder Climb: Day 16

Game 1


Game Summary

Back into Anivia! I was countered by a Fizz pick, and Cait brought ap runes in. Jax did well top, and Mao did what he could to help out however was a bit mouthy whenever something went wrong. Cait fed bot however I picked up some kills when I roamed. Mid game Cait was still doing horribly, didn't know positioning and blamed me for not helping her out. I still carried, and we won team fights with Mao and Jax catching their players out. We took most objectives in the game, and took baron after catching their Ez out.


I matched Fizz's CS in lane, and didn't die to him during laning phase. I also picked up a double kill bot lane so I helped out wherever I could. I played a good game overall.


1395 (+14)

Other Notes

Cait and Mao were negative at times and Cait thought he was just the best thing to happen to League of Legends. Cait got carried hard IMO, he was 0/4 in lane and only picked up a few kills in the last team fight or two.

Game 2


Game Summary

I gave up mid to fifth pick. I shouldn't have as he went 70 cs to Vlad's 150 by 20 mins in. Our team was brutal and I didn't do too well jungle. Moral of the story is to not give in to letting people lower than you play the role you want.


I got a good gank off top. Bot and mid failed though, and we lost :/


1383 (-12)

Other Notes

Nothing atm.

Game 3


Game Summary

Our champ select didn't go well. 5th pick wanted mid and everyone was QQing everywhere. I was going top with Singed by Fizz got countered by Ryze so I went mid. We went up early and Ryze switched with Nid but Fizz continued to dominate. I did well mid and we won most lanes (bot fell behind but we took their mid and bot towers early). We straight up dominated team fights and went on for an easy win.


I won my lane and helped bot out. I was stupid though and died to their tower even though I thought the alloted time had  passed, Taric picked up the kill. Oh well.


1394 (+11)

Other Notes

Win win win!

Game 4


Game Summary

Well I went Singed top but was counterpicked by Vlad. I did fine in lane and tried to keep up but had no love from jungle since he camped bot as they fed. Both Darius and Twitch were verbally abusive and had poor attitudes so that didn't help.


Did what I could and tried to encourage the team.


1380 (-14)

Other Notes

Darius and Twitch are toxic players, to the Tribunal they go! All done ranked today, went down a few ELO unfortunately.

Saturday, 15 December 2012

LoL Ladder Climb: Day 15

Game 1


Game Summary

We cleaned up bot early, destroying our lane. Wu fed Fiora 5 kills top. Annie derped mid. Darius was around during laning phase. Our team was really stupid. They tried to engage 3v4s over and over again. Yi backdoored 2 inhib towers and 1 inhib, and our team had no idea what to do. It was really aggravating as they didn't listen to the calls that would have helped us win the game. Instead they just tried to chase Yi and lost us baron. Everyone raged all game as well which didn't help us.


I destroyed bot with Leona, more cs and up around 8 kills between the two of us.


1359 (-13)

Other Notes

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ragers aren't fuuuuun. 

Game 2


Game Summary

We had a solid team, but started losing the game early. By 25 minutes we were down around 10 kills. We had some good team fights and stacked ults well and turned things around. They danced mid with their huge lead for about 7 minutes straight, and we just poked them down and engaged well after that. We caught out a few after that fight, did baron and finished the game. Good work in turning things around.


I died early. I was stupid, Ez shifted to me and ignited. I should have went back. I out CSed him in lane though, even with his 7/0 score by 15 minutes in.


1370 (+11)

Other Notes

Alistar didn't know how to play his champion. He instalocked it after seeing it was open. I hate people that think like that. "He's totally OP so I'm going to blindly pick him". It showed, and he was awful. He fed bot around 3 kills early, and missed every headbutt/pulverize combo he tried.

Moral of the story? Don't pick someone because you think that they are OP! Play who you are good with.

Game 3


Game Summary

Our team seemed good in selection. We had counters to lanes, and Mao jungle is always nice. We started off well early game. I was beating Vlad top in CS and was able to harass him at the same time. Cait takes first blood bot. Mao ganks top and I get a kill. I snowball my lane and grab another kill with Mao ganking again. Kat is mid, and Yorick went so he wouldn't have to face a countered lane. Kat does well, picking up a 1 for 1 in a 2v1 situation (Amumu ganked). We continued to win, taking towers and grabbing all objectives. We won all team fights we were in and took all inhibs and eventually won.


I destroyed Vlad top after that Mao gank. I was up on him in farm and kills. I warded their jungle and was able to kill Amumu and steal his red at the same time. I pushed when needed, and came down for dragon at the right times. Overall I think I played a great game. There was one point at the very end of the game that I got caught out but Nami saved me <3.


1381 (+11)

Other Notes

I did 2 of these games yesterday, and 1 today. I forgot to publish this blog post before, so decided to add to it. Oops! That's it for today anyway. I'm now done my exams and should have more time to play over the break (although it's worse internet at home so we'll see what happens).

Friday, 14 December 2012

League of Legends Tribunal

For those who don't know, the Tribunal is a system put in place by Riot where players can actively review cases for reported players, to decide if they should be punished or pardoned, depending on game logs provided.

I try to do my 20 cases per day, and spend about 30 minutes determining if I should punish or pardon different players for their actions.

Above is a picture of my overall rankings and scores. Some people may ask why I do this, as there is 0 reward for participating in the Tribunal. I just figure I may as well do my part in trying to keep this game as non-toxic as possible, and one of the ways is to review cases every day. I've currently reviewed over 900 cases (closing in on 1000!), and have a decent accuracy rating and ranking in North America. Overall I've helped to permaban 27 players and prevent 1937 toxic days of play. I think that in itself is worth it.

Now, everyone knows that the Tribunal isn't perfect. Anyone can log on and spam the punish button, even on cases where the person in question shouldn't be punished. I try to make the right decisions, but even sometimes I screw up, and more frequently there are times where I still think the person should be punished/pardoned, but the majority thinks otherwise.

Overall, there are problems with the Tribunal, but with more people taking it seriously it would become a better place and would help make the League of Legends community less toxic in general. 

Saturday, 8 December 2012

LoL Ladder Climb: Day 14

Game 1


Game Summary

That was a rough game for me. Bot lane was destroyed by their Nami + Cait. I was killed by Karth a few times, and Nunu missed a block on Cait's ult once too. I was outplayed and didn't get much support. He afked for awhile too. However we kept it positive, and Anivia did work by cleaning up bot and mid lanes. Hec ganked top and mid well, and eventually bot. We dominated team fights, caught their team out with great Aniv walls, and I came back a bit to eventually win!


Well, I got destroyed bot. Nami would outrange me with the stun, allowing Cait to come in with the poke. I couldn't really retaliate. I had sit back, and even then they still got some kills when Olaf ganked + Karth ult + Cait ult. Later game I did some damage when my build started progressing, but overall I was carried hard by Anivia and Hec. I stayed positive though, so every small bit counts right? ;)


1383 (+11)

Other Notes

Nami seems to be an awesome support, based on what I've seen from her so far.

Game 2


Game Summary

In champion select, we had a good team, with last pick to still go. He picks Talon into Rengar. I'm thinking, uh oh this is not good. Rengar absolutely destroys early, and with Talon he is weak and useless at the beginning of game. Surprise surprise, by 10 minutes in, Talon is down 0/5. Xin camps top, and bot and mid fall to insane pressure from their Udyr. We come back in mid game, and take down a few objectives. Unfortunately this doesn't cure the team of making really stupid calls and decisions. Sona gets caught out in jungle 2 or 3 times, once with oracles, and doesn't learn from her mistakes of roaming alone, even with me trying to encourage her to stay with us. Cait does the same, and gets nuked from Kat (who is pretty fed by this point). Talon is just... Talon, charging in and dying, or staying too late in team fights or after them, getting caught in lane. I try to keep up, but Kat and Rengar focus me in fights to take down our only consistent damage. Later in the game, the team wants to do dragon, but I suggest we head to baron to ward since we have 0 sight. Nope, guess not. The team takes dragon. I head to baron, and ofc they are doing it. They take it, catch Sona and Cait who have come up by that point. gg :/


I did all I could in lane against Kat + Udyr ganking, and mid game I made some decent plays to catch us up. I couldn't keep the team straight though, and our team lost the game for ourselves due to stupid mistakes and bad calls by other players :( Of course I didn't play perfectly myself. You always need to know when you make mistakes, and what you can do to fix them. I overextended a bit too much at the beginning, allowing Udyr and Kat to get me.


1372 (-11)

Other Notes

Ah well, 1 up and 1 down tonight. Gotta stop for now, I'm tired and need to get up to study all day tomorrow.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

LoL Ladder Climb: Day 13

Game 1


Game Summary

We had a decent early game. I got a double kill bot, trading 2/1 and continued to keep up in CS with Ez. Mid was awful. Annie kept overextending without wards and getting ganked by Hecarim. Oh and LB was afk for around 5 minutes and Annie still lost the lane. Jayce got beat top too due to lack of wards. We never really had team fights since Annie was caught alone about 5 times. Annie also tried to initiate 1v5 with flash ults when the team wasn't even there. Then she blamed everyone else. :(


I won my lane with Millerov supporting. I tried to save a few people a few times and got caught because of it though.


1371 (-16)

Other Notes

I'm not sure how Annie is in gold. She had 0 map awareness and was really rude to the team.

Game 2


Game Summary

We had another frustrating game to do the lack of mid. Jax roamed and died fb to the other team, and then Kat as well. 0/2 going into laning phase. I was behind due to no health from no one helping on my blue, and was behind 3 levels. I ganked when I could but was impossible in most cases. Jax won top, Kat kept feeding mid and lost 2 turrets by the time 20 mins came around. We all muted Kat and tried to keep playing, but they took a baron and walked over us.


I did what I could, but the bad start that Jax and Kat gave us put me far behind and I didn't have much presence for the rest of the game.


1355 (-16)

Other Notes

Kat was really abusive towards everyone and ruined the experience. I've been really unlucky today with trolls and flamers unfortunately. 2 reports, hopefully 2 bans soon. Moving on!

Game 3


Game Summary

Hey! I got my Anivia pick after I decided to come back and solo queue. Teemo was countering Darius so we traded lanes before the game started. Rengar and I picked up FB on Teemo. He still pressured me hard and it was rough at times, but I kept up in CS. Bot lane and mid both kept within their opponents farm, and traded kills. We lost first dragon, but fought well in team fights. We took baron after we caught out Taric, and kept pressing the team fight advantage and won the game.


I helped out Darius and laned against Teemo top. I got FB with Rengar on him, and kept within his CS even with constant harassment. I landed some good walls, although I missed a few walls at times as well. I got caught by Teemo at one point too and died.


1372 (+17)

Other Notes

We had a good team. No one flamed when anyone died or made a mistake. We worked together to achieve victory!

I'm down a game, but feel tired so no more ranked tonight. Also it's exam period for me so I don't have as much time for gaming until I'm done. Counting down the days until break now!

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Massive League of Legends Update!

Wow! So many new changes! A new patch for League of Legends came out yesterday, and it features a whole pile of differences. The two main changes are the massive item changes and additions, and the new and changed masteries. As well, the jungle has changed, and there are new graphics for the shop and scorebord (etc). I've postponed my ladder climb until I have figured out this crazy amount of new information. I need some time to work out builds and the like, so be patient and I'll be back with more ranked soon!


Saturday, 1 December 2012

LoL Ladder Climb: Day 12

Game 1


Game Summary

Frustrating game. Third pick auto locks mid after I wanted it, gets destroyed 1/5 minutes and rage quits. No more summary needed, it wasn't much of a fair fight.


No positives. I matched CS with Jax. Negatives are that there are lots of trolls at this ELO lol.


1352 (-17)

Other Notes

Public shaming of Specialkkay for rage quitting after feeding mid. Nice attitude and great team spirit. Go back to normals please. Hope he's banned, I'm sure it's not the first time this has happened.

Game 2


Game Summary

I decided to start duo queuing with my brother (he's also a gold level player). We went duo bot. He got caught at a lvl 1 invade and lost FB, but we made it back up easy in lane. I carried hard with him bot, and Gragas mid did well. Teemo outfarmed Garen like a boss top, and we just cleaned up in team fights (after a few people getting caught out in bad engages). We took a baron and pushed for the win.


We dominated bot. We got fed off of Ezreal starting around lvl 4. He outfarmed me early due to the first blood on Sona, but we came back and did well. I got caught out once though trying to help the team escape in a bad engagement.


1369 (+17)

Other Notes

If you can find a good partner to duo queue with, it's advantageous for you to do so. It increases your odds of a win if both of you are positive players and work well together.

Game 3


Game Summary

More duo queue action! Millerov grabbed Sona again, and I was fortunate enough to get my Singed top. Riven picked into my Singed, so I felt very confident as I knew I just needed that early armour to be able to survive early game. We went for the blue invade off start, and Lux landed a nice binding into my fling. Vayne picked up first blood. From there on, it was pure domination. We picked up 2 more kills at our blue as they tried to rush it after we stole theirs. Then every lane destroyed their competition. Vayne got fed with the help of Millerov, Lux did very well mid against Cass and jungle and them all secured objectives well (nice Skarner smite to steal 2nd Ali blue). Ali struggled hard as he was counterjungled by Skarner and had 0 blues. I did well top and Ali + Riven couldn't shut me down from farming. We still were in laning phase when they surrendered at 20. I was working away at inner turret top by that point, and so was bot.



I helped pick up fb on blue invade. I went straight to ours and warded, and successfully helped pick up 2 more kills for us as I figured they would rush it. I dominated Riven top, outcsing by at least 25 by 10 minutes. I missed a fling though on an easy kill with Skarner lane ganking. I hit a minion :( Ugh smartcast!


1387 (+18)

Other Notes

Again, it's really helpful to duo with someone that you know who is also good at the game. Millerov had some great placement matches and is in low gold range atm, so when I duoed I was playing with 1450+ players. He knows I don't have a problem with that elo, and it showed that we can destroy still.

As well, smartcasting is a great way to get your spells off faster than using conventional methods. Look into smartcasting some of your spells! I use conventional casting on walls and shields usually due to aiming issues though.

I'm two games up now so I'll call it a day!

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

LoL Ladder Climb: Day 11

Game 1


Game Summary

I went into select in 2nd position, but was somehow forced into jungle with Amumu banned. I said no problem and took Olaf for a spin. Early game was good, I had a successful gank top to help get Riven ahead. Bot was doing very poorly so I then focused there and turned things around. Diana mid was doing well and got a kill or two off of Elise mid. Mid game our team started going full derp (cocky attitudes :S). Riven and Diana got themselves caught a few times each in their jungle. I told everyone to focus and we finished them off easily with 2 good team fights.


I ganked well and helped the lanes out as best I could. I landed most of my axes to catch opponents. I initiated team fights decently as well. I got caught once though while trying to save Diana/Riven deep in their jungle. I should have thought it out and let them die instead of me dying as well.


1365 (+17)

Other Notes

If your team starts to go full derp due to cockiness, try to bring them back to reality. Get your team focused before you throw the game!

Game 2


Game Summary

I took Graves out for a spin this game. I had a Fiddle supporting me, but it didn't work out well in lane. He kept getting caught by Leona and we would lose engagements because of it. I still farmed away and ignored him flaming me (muted him after awhile), and kept up with CS of MF. Kat got destroyed mid and would blame others for all her deaths (lol). Top did very well. Fiddle tried to surrender a few times when we lost team fights mid game, but we lost them due to Kat and Fiddle getting caught out a lot. We kept going and turned the game around to win!


I kept up with CS of MF even with Fiddle. I got caught a few times, and started to crack under the constant flaming by Fiddle and Kat though, and made more mistakes because of it (bad engagements, missing auto-attacks). It wasn't a very good game for me.


1384 (+19)

Other Notes

Calm down, it's just a game :D

Game 3


Game Summary

Not a fun game! We had a leaver at 15 mins even though it was easily winnable, and then an AFK Shaco that fed lanes, trolled, threw racial slurs and kept trying to surrender, and finally sat in base. 2 reports were handed out. The game was easily winnable too :( Wall of shame goes out to EndQuicker the racist and ravenshaw11 for the rage quit.


I did fine in lane and was up. I was caught once (I was really stupid and headed up river even though I knew Ahri was coming down!)


1367 (-17)

Other Notes

Some games you get a troll or leaver. If you're really unlucky you get 2! Just report them and move on, they will eventually be permabanned. I'll do a post about the tribunal sometime soon. I go on every day to do my 20 cases, and the effect is bigger than you think!

Good night for now though!

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

LoL Ladder Climb: Day 10

Back in action tonight! Let's get that ELO back up! Shoooting for gold!

Game 1


Game Summary

I got my Anivia mid! I had a rough start as I was countered by Fizz and I knew at levels 6 - 10 he could combo me down in 1 fight. I died twice then, but with a few Skarner ganks and me rushing Athene's Unholy Grail, I was able to take him down after then. Our team was losing all lanes, but once I had my farm and mid/end game items, I was unstoppable. We picked good fights for the most part (other than Skarner getting caught out on 3 separate occasions), and punished them for charging in with my wall to split the fight. We dominated and went on to win.


I had a slow early game in lane due to Fizz. However I caught back up and dished supreme punishment later and I still outfarmed him early/mid game!


1347 (+19)

Other Notes

If you are down, stick to smart engagements and farming. Don't go out of your way to fight unless it's for objectives. Learn to pick your battles.

Game 2


Game Summary

We had a good team. Jax mucked top and was 3/0 by 10 minutes. Bot got destroyed. We had a first time ranked player and it showed. They went down about 4 kills by 10 minutes. Jax starts going superman on them and dies 5 times in a row with no kills. I get caught trying to save Jax and go down myself. We couldn't come back and lost the game due to everyone getting caught out too much.


I matched TF's farm in game. That's about it. I got caught trying to save hero mode Jax, but other than that I died defending inhib turret.


1328 (-19)

Other Notes

Another problem with the 1300s is this is where all the new ranked players get put to play. It really shows too when you get one. It's unfortunate, and that is why some games just go poorly.

Game 3


Game Summary

Great game! I started with Diana jungling. We had a really strange comp; 2 assassins, and 3 longer range more poke type champs. Anyway we started off trading kills in all lanes, Kat had trouble with Kass early mid. Nid destroyed Kayle's farm, and bot lane was back and forth with my ganks picking them up kills and the lane win. We found our stride with team fights, and were able to dive in and get the carries before retaliation. We lost baron but aced them there to move in for the win.


I had decent lane presence mid/late laning phase, however it was tough as bot top and mid really wanted ganks as they were losing. I did what I could and destroyed in team fights, always picking up the carries.


1348 (+20)

Other Notes

That's it for tonight! 1 win is better than none ;) I may play a few normals, we'll see. Good night!