Saturday, 1 December 2012

LoL Ladder Climb: Day 12

Game 1


Game Summary

Frustrating game. Third pick auto locks mid after I wanted it, gets destroyed 1/5 minutes and rage quits. No more summary needed, it wasn't much of a fair fight.


No positives. I matched CS with Jax. Negatives are that there are lots of trolls at this ELO lol.


1352 (-17)

Other Notes

Public shaming of Specialkkay for rage quitting after feeding mid. Nice attitude and great team spirit. Go back to normals please. Hope he's banned, I'm sure it's not the first time this has happened.

Game 2


Game Summary

I decided to start duo queuing with my brother (he's also a gold level player). We went duo bot. He got caught at a lvl 1 invade and lost FB, but we made it back up easy in lane. I carried hard with him bot, and Gragas mid did well. Teemo outfarmed Garen like a boss top, and we just cleaned up in team fights (after a few people getting caught out in bad engages). We took a baron and pushed for the win.


We dominated bot. We got fed off of Ezreal starting around lvl 4. He outfarmed me early due to the first blood on Sona, but we came back and did well. I got caught out once though trying to help the team escape in a bad engagement.


1369 (+17)

Other Notes

If you can find a good partner to duo queue with, it's advantageous for you to do so. It increases your odds of a win if both of you are positive players and work well together.

Game 3


Game Summary

More duo queue action! Millerov grabbed Sona again, and I was fortunate enough to get my Singed top. Riven picked into my Singed, so I felt very confident as I knew I just needed that early armour to be able to survive early game. We went for the blue invade off start, and Lux landed a nice binding into my fling. Vayne picked up first blood. From there on, it was pure domination. We picked up 2 more kills at our blue as they tried to rush it after we stole theirs. Then every lane destroyed their competition. Vayne got fed with the help of Millerov, Lux did very well mid against Cass and jungle and them all secured objectives well (nice Skarner smite to steal 2nd Ali blue). Ali struggled hard as he was counterjungled by Skarner and had 0 blues. I did well top and Ali + Riven couldn't shut me down from farming. We still were in laning phase when they surrendered at 20. I was working away at inner turret top by that point, and so was bot.



I helped pick up fb on blue invade. I went straight to ours and warded, and successfully helped pick up 2 more kills for us as I figured they would rush it. I dominated Riven top, outcsing by at least 25 by 10 minutes. I missed a fling though on an easy kill with Skarner lane ganking. I hit a minion :( Ugh smartcast!


1387 (+18)

Other Notes

Again, it's really helpful to duo with someone that you know who is also good at the game. Millerov had some great placement matches and is in low gold range atm, so when I duoed I was playing with 1450+ players. He knows I don't have a problem with that elo, and it showed that we can destroy still.

As well, smartcasting is a great way to get your spells off faster than using conventional methods. Look into smartcasting some of your spells! I use conventional casting on walls and shields usually due to aiming issues though.

I'm two games up now so I'll call it a day!

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