Saturday 8 December 2012

LoL Ladder Climb: Day 14

Game 1


Game Summary

That was a rough game for me. Bot lane was destroyed by their Nami + Cait. I was killed by Karth a few times, and Nunu missed a block on Cait's ult once too. I was outplayed and didn't get much support. He afked for awhile too. However we kept it positive, and Anivia did work by cleaning up bot and mid lanes. Hec ganked top and mid well, and eventually bot. We dominated team fights, caught their team out with great Aniv walls, and I came back a bit to eventually win!


Well, I got destroyed bot. Nami would outrange me with the stun, allowing Cait to come in with the poke. I couldn't really retaliate. I had sit back, and even then they still got some kills when Olaf ganked + Karth ult + Cait ult. Later game I did some damage when my build started progressing, but overall I was carried hard by Anivia and Hec. I stayed positive though, so every small bit counts right? ;)


1383 (+11)

Other Notes

Nami seems to be an awesome support, based on what I've seen from her so far.

Game 2


Game Summary

In champion select, we had a good team, with last pick to still go. He picks Talon into Rengar. I'm thinking, uh oh this is not good. Rengar absolutely destroys early, and with Talon he is weak and useless at the beginning of game. Surprise surprise, by 10 minutes in, Talon is down 0/5. Xin camps top, and bot and mid fall to insane pressure from their Udyr. We come back in mid game, and take down a few objectives. Unfortunately this doesn't cure the team of making really stupid calls and decisions. Sona gets caught out in jungle 2 or 3 times, once with oracles, and doesn't learn from her mistakes of roaming alone, even with me trying to encourage her to stay with us. Cait does the same, and gets nuked from Kat (who is pretty fed by this point). Talon is just... Talon, charging in and dying, or staying too late in team fights or after them, getting caught in lane. I try to keep up, but Kat and Rengar focus me in fights to take down our only consistent damage. Later in the game, the team wants to do dragon, but I suggest we head to baron to ward since we have 0 sight. Nope, guess not. The team takes dragon. I head to baron, and ofc they are doing it. They take it, catch Sona and Cait who have come up by that point. gg :/


I did all I could in lane against Kat + Udyr ganking, and mid game I made some decent plays to catch us up. I couldn't keep the team straight though, and our team lost the game for ourselves due to stupid mistakes and bad calls by other players :( Of course I didn't play perfectly myself. You always need to know when you make mistakes, and what you can do to fix them. I overextended a bit too much at the beginning, allowing Udyr and Kat to get me.


1372 (-11)

Other Notes

Ah well, 1 up and 1 down tonight. Gotta stop for now, I'm tired and need to get up to study all day tomorrow.

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