Monday, 17 December 2012

LoL Ladder Climb: Day 16

Game 1


Game Summary

Back into Anivia! I was countered by a Fizz pick, and Cait brought ap runes in. Jax did well top, and Mao did what he could to help out however was a bit mouthy whenever something went wrong. Cait fed bot however I picked up some kills when I roamed. Mid game Cait was still doing horribly, didn't know positioning and blamed me for not helping her out. I still carried, and we won team fights with Mao and Jax catching their players out. We took most objectives in the game, and took baron after catching their Ez out.


I matched Fizz's CS in lane, and didn't die to him during laning phase. I also picked up a double kill bot lane so I helped out wherever I could. I played a good game overall.


1395 (+14)

Other Notes

Cait and Mao were negative at times and Cait thought he was just the best thing to happen to League of Legends. Cait got carried hard IMO, he was 0/4 in lane and only picked up a few kills in the last team fight or two.

Game 2


Game Summary

I gave up mid to fifth pick. I shouldn't have as he went 70 cs to Vlad's 150 by 20 mins in. Our team was brutal and I didn't do too well jungle. Moral of the story is to not give in to letting people lower than you play the role you want.


I got a good gank off top. Bot and mid failed though, and we lost :/


1383 (-12)

Other Notes

Nothing atm.

Game 3


Game Summary

Our champ select didn't go well. 5th pick wanted mid and everyone was QQing everywhere. I was going top with Singed by Fizz got countered by Ryze so I went mid. We went up early and Ryze switched with Nid but Fizz continued to dominate. I did well mid and we won most lanes (bot fell behind but we took their mid and bot towers early). We straight up dominated team fights and went on for an easy win.


I won my lane and helped bot out. I was stupid though and died to their tower even though I thought the alloted time had  passed, Taric picked up the kill. Oh well.


1394 (+11)

Other Notes

Win win win!

Game 4


Game Summary

Well I went Singed top but was counterpicked by Vlad. I did fine in lane and tried to keep up but had no love from jungle since he camped bot as they fed. Both Darius and Twitch were verbally abusive and had poor attitudes so that didn't help.


Did what I could and tried to encourage the team.


1380 (-14)

Other Notes

Darius and Twitch are toxic players, to the Tribunal they go! All done ranked today, went down a few ELO unfortunately.

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