Saturday, 15 December 2012

LoL Ladder Climb: Day 15

Game 1


Game Summary

We cleaned up bot early, destroying our lane. Wu fed Fiora 5 kills top. Annie derped mid. Darius was around during laning phase. Our team was really stupid. They tried to engage 3v4s over and over again. Yi backdoored 2 inhib towers and 1 inhib, and our team had no idea what to do. It was really aggravating as they didn't listen to the calls that would have helped us win the game. Instead they just tried to chase Yi and lost us baron. Everyone raged all game as well which didn't help us.


I destroyed bot with Leona, more cs and up around 8 kills between the two of us.


1359 (-13)

Other Notes

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ragers aren't fuuuuun. 

Game 2


Game Summary

We had a solid team, but started losing the game early. By 25 minutes we were down around 10 kills. We had some good team fights and stacked ults well and turned things around. They danced mid with their huge lead for about 7 minutes straight, and we just poked them down and engaged well after that. We caught out a few after that fight, did baron and finished the game. Good work in turning things around.


I died early. I was stupid, Ez shifted to me and ignited. I should have went back. I out CSed him in lane though, even with his 7/0 score by 15 minutes in.


1370 (+11)

Other Notes

Alistar didn't know how to play his champion. He instalocked it after seeing it was open. I hate people that think like that. "He's totally OP so I'm going to blindly pick him". It showed, and he was awful. He fed bot around 3 kills early, and missed every headbutt/pulverize combo he tried.

Moral of the story? Don't pick someone because you think that they are OP! Play who you are good with.

Game 3


Game Summary

Our team seemed good in selection. We had counters to lanes, and Mao jungle is always nice. We started off well early game. I was beating Vlad top in CS and was able to harass him at the same time. Cait takes first blood bot. Mao ganks top and I get a kill. I snowball my lane and grab another kill with Mao ganking again. Kat is mid, and Yorick went so he wouldn't have to face a countered lane. Kat does well, picking up a 1 for 1 in a 2v1 situation (Amumu ganked). We continued to win, taking towers and grabbing all objectives. We won all team fights we were in and took all inhibs and eventually won.


I destroyed Vlad top after that Mao gank. I was up on him in farm and kills. I warded their jungle and was able to kill Amumu and steal his red at the same time. I pushed when needed, and came down for dragon at the right times. Overall I think I played a great game. There was one point at the very end of the game that I got caught out but Nami saved me <3.


1381 (+11)

Other Notes

I did 2 of these games yesterday, and 1 today. I forgot to publish this blog post before, so decided to add to it. Oops! That's it for today anyway. I'm now done my exams and should have more time to play over the break (although it's worse internet at home so we'll see what happens).

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