Thursday 20 December 2012

LoL Ladder Climb: Day 17

Game 1


Game Summary

I went into jungle for the first time in awhile as Skarner. I did decently, ganking where I could, but bot and mid were too cocky with the ganks and died. Panth destroyed top, and I focused on leveling until we could team fight mid game. We destroyed, cleaned up and it was a 20 min surrender.


Ganked where I could, didn't feed any lanes. I should have tried to have more presence bot early game as they were feeding pretty hard.


1394 (+14)

Other Notes

Onwards! To gold this winter break!

Game 2


Game Summary

Our fifth pick said ADC or feed, went ADC and fed anyway. Our Sona and hit fed bot ~10 kills by 15 mins in. Our Rengar went 0/3 in 8 mins, and our Lee didn't gank unless it was a 1v3 in their favour. I called Eve roaming every time she left lane and where she was going, but the lanes didn't listen so she was fed. I still beat her mid, but the team surrendered at 20.


I outcsed her in lane and took a kill on her without ganks (even under pressure by Xin). I called all mia's and exactly where Eve was going every time.


1381 (-13)

Other Notes

The whole team was verbally abusive and said I was bad when I was the only one keeping them in the game and doing my role properly :( Frustrating! There goes my Aniv win % grrrr.

Game 3


Game Summary

Awful team, all lanes feed, Shaco trolls. 4v5 with players that feed 0/5 in lane isn't fun.


Won my lane easily, out CSed like a boss.


1369 (-12)

Other Notes

Shaco trolled and AFKed, bot and top both feed hard.

Game 4


Game Summary

Picked our team, went in and found our Leona was trolling. She roamed, never was with Vayne bot, stole jungle and tried to fight 1v2s etc. in their jungle. I kept trying to carry, and Mu did well. We won a 4v5 pretty much.


I destroy Diana in lane (kills and out CS). I carry the 4v5 with Amu.


1381 (+12)

Other Notes

Trolls out to get me today! Ughh.

Game 5


Game Summary

I went Nidalee vs. Anivia mid. Garen destroyed top after a few ganks by Xin. Bot was ok but Sona was struggling at times. We dominated early but the team started to throw as they really liked diving at stupid times. Garen threatened to troll (I hate people that do that), but I told everyone to calm down. We took an easy team fight and went on to win the game.


I kept up with Anivia in lane. However I was missing spears and was stupid early game which caused me to die in lane.


1393 (+12)

Other Notes

Don't threaten to troll if things aren't going your way!

Game 6


Game Summary

Destroyed bot lane with Lux, even though Lux took ignite so I had to take exhaust. We were up about 10 kills, but the team throws due to bad calls by our verbally abusive jungle Amumu wanting to do dragon with 3 when we're all at 1/3 health and with the other team heading there. Also bad call on doing baron at a ridiculously stupid time caused the loss.


I destroyed in lane. I tried to make the calls that would win us the game but people refused to listen. Such is life at low elo.


1379 (-14)

Other Notes

Abusive teams are abusive lol. Mute and move on!

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