Sunday 18 November 2012

LoL Ladder Climb: Day 2 Part 1

Hello everyone! I'm back for Day 2 of my ladder climb. I don't have a lot of time today so there will be only a few ranked matches being played. Here we go!

Game 1


Game Summary

The team was cooperative in champion select. Someone really wanted me to ban or take Darius top, but I chose Singed instead. We did a level 1 invade into Lee Sin's jungle and got FB off of WW. I matched WW top, even with his mid game sustain. We had some decent ganks and got an early lead, but poor decisions mid game caught them back up. I decided to take command at this point and coached our team through the mid/later game struggle, convincing Panth not to AFK b/c he thought he was behind (poor decisions in a few spots set him back a few deaths, for example diving a 1 v 2 top lane inner turret with no back up). We focused Vayne and eventually won a hard fought battle at ~ 50 mins (even after losing 2nd baron).


I matched Warwick top even through his mid game sustain which was tough to lane against. I focused Vayne in team fights and called the shots so we would have proper engages. I got top once though with 2 wards in my inventory. I was pushing top lane hard and forgot to through them down so I would see them coming. I will be sure to ward more properly in the future.


1274 (+17)

Other Notes

I can see my elo gains/losses are lessening with each game. I'm sure that I'll soon be back down to 11 - 14 per game.

Game 2


Game Summary

Our fifth pick decided to run an Naut support so I went up as Graves against their Ez/Nunu lane. Long story short, TF fed 0/5 mid lane vs. Lux, so Jayce and Mao flame him for the rest of the game, and then convince everyone else to surrender at 20 mins (I voted no as there was still easily a chance of winning). Poor attitudes and verbal abuse caused the loss, not personal play from each player. Reports were issued to the problematic players.


I traded well with Ez and Nunu in lane, and matched their farm for the entire thing. Our lane was fine, and since the surrender was so quick, I didn't even have a chance to team fight.


1256 (-18)

Other Notes

I can't stress enough how important it is to keep a level head in the game. Just because you are down by 10 kills at 20 minutes doesn't mean you should give up. I've had games where we were down 15+ kills by 15 mins in, and have come back to win. I've won and lost 4v5s and 5v4s based on attitude. It's just not worth it to flame others and throw in the towel early. At times in the past I had a different mindset. I wasn't always the best player to play with. However reflecting upon myself I realized it wasn't conducive to gaining ELO, so I changed my ways for the better, and it has helped me to become a better player.

In games like these, all you can do is review your own personal play, and try to at least make yourself better while trying to calm your team down.

Game 3


Game Summary

Champion select was fine. I went for a Nunu/Kog comp. bot. Darius was AFK for the first 1 of the game top, then went back. At the same time, Skarner tried an invade on red and picked up FB on Dr. Mundo. If Darius was there, it would have been the other way around. From there everything fell apart. Nunu wanted to engage on Vayne every second and he went down a few kills to Vayne. I wasn't able to keep up after that, and with all other lanes feeding hard, a 20 minute surrender again was called :/


Nothing much positive to say. Every lane was outplayed, and I couldn't do a whole lot with that Nunu support setting up bad engagements :/


1239 (-17)

Other Notes

Just have to ride out the rough patches. If you believe that you are better than the ELO bracket you are in, are are always positive and try your best to win, the math is in your favour to climb ELO. If you are pissed off at losing, take a break. You don't want to play with tilt.

Game 4


Game Summary

This game was pretty easy. GP was AFK for the first minute or two, and Zed got a kill on Dr. Mundo early and snowballed his lead. I dominated mid with my Anivia vs. Morde, and snowballed as well. We should have ended at 20 minutes by my team liked to farm and not group lol. Oh well we still took it handily.


I won mid easily and outfarmed Morde. I got caught at one point even when bot pinged that someone was coming mid. I need to be more aware of map in the future.


1256 (+17)

Other Notes

Well that is it for me until maybe later. So far I'm even (-1 ELO) today. That's alright, I'll pick up soon.

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