Monday 19 November 2012

LoL Ladder Climb: Day 3 Part 1

Back in action for a few games right now, then maybe some more after supper.

Game 1


Game Summary

I got my Amumu jungle in champion select. We got a Kat as well along with Taric and Rengar, so our team seemed strong (at least at this ELO). Rengar lost top early with a silly 1v1 fight vs. Jayce. However I camped top for a bit to catch him back up, and with some ganks bot and the first dragon taken, we gained a gold advantage early. Kat snowballed and the other team couldn't catch back up and surrendered at ~30 mins in.


I had some successful ganks, and outplayed the enemy jungle Nocture. I landed my bandages and ults in key battles to give us an edge. Not sure if I have any critiques myself for that game.


1311 (+18)

Other Notes

Tip: Find a champion that you can carry with and stick with it!

Game 2


Game Summary

We had a strong team comp, again with me having the Amumu jungle. We did well early with kills in all lanes. Singed turns full derp and dies multiple times to Shen top (I was camping top since I knew Singed was performing poorly). At this point Shen has both TP and global ult, so he has presence everywhere on the map (although he doesn't use it much), so I hung around bot more waiting for the ults. We had decent team fights until some members got caught near dragon in river. From there it went downhill with Singed getting caught out more.


I had strong ganks early, giving kills to both top and mid. After Cait got a quad-kill on us I built armour, but I think I had too much too early as I was getting destroyed by Zyra. I should have evened out my armour/MR in the mid game.


1294 (-17)

Other Notes

I tried to call our engages but the team wouldn't listen and would fight in the worst locations. Only so much I could do. Oh well. You can't win them all, even with your favourite 'carry' champs.

Game 3


Game Summary

Champ selection was normal other than a a teammate questioning the call of a Zilean mid (Alex Ich anyone?).  Anyway the game started. I told Sona to not walk through red since Eve may invade, but she did anyway and they picked up first blood on her. Top fed about 3 or 4 kills early. We traded bot, but Sona didn't pink ward so we fell to a gank from Eve once. Zil was very abusive and called everyone noobs all game so I muted him (and reported him after). Jayce wasn't very friendly either. Poor attitudes on both. I tried to keep it positive but the others ruined the game and a surrender vote went through 4 - 1 (me being the 1).


I traded with Sivir and was matching her in lane even with the presence of Leona in our bush. I fell to Eve though so I shouldn't have pushed at the point I did (I tried to keep the lane at my tower for the most part because our Sona wasn't pink warding).


1275 (-19)

Other Notes

Classic example of poor attitudes losing us the game. AD Eve late game isn't really too much of a threat. However SothisCY, Sydney Shaw, and oO Kuroky Oo all tried to vote and surrender, and were being negative. Everyone should stay positive when playing as it helps win games. I can assure everyone that they won't be out of low silver elo for a long time :D.

Game 4


Game Summary

Man, this game was rough. All the way through my team constantly QQed, flamed and verbally abused each other (mostly me). They were negative and wanted to surrender, but we kept going. I tried my best to keep the mood light but these guys weren't having any of it. Alistar AFKed at a few points, Cait thought he was a one man show and constantly harassed others. We managed to win as I turned Cait getting caught into a nice engage catching 5 of them (later game). Diana cleaned up and we took their nexus. I didn't think we deserved to win that one.


I tried my best to be in all the lanes. Nasus didn't want me top and would intentionally let me 1v1 a 1/3 health Lee sitting a few steps away, instead farming. Bot was arrogant and called me a trash jungler, and mid joined in the fun. I missed a few Qs in the game. The negative reinforcement didn't help.


1293 (+18)

Other Notes

A win is a win, even if it isn't pretty. INeverWinOrLose (Cait) has been one of the most abusive players I've seen in recent history. Not far behind was gernzmomo (Ali) who was a constant negative presence on our team. I reported both, and hoping for the Tribunal to take a look soon.

Tip: The mute button is there for a reason. If someone is looking to be abusive and you can't handle their attitude, just mute them. It's worth it and saves you a lot of stress if you don't want to listen to their toxic nature.

I'll be back after supper with more!

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